Selling of Telemacanique Product type TSXP47425 - Pocessor Card TSXP47425 will be refurbished and sell with warranty. For more informations, don't hesitate to contact us at 00333. or by mail at
Withdrawal period :
You have a period of 14 days to change your mind if you buy online or over the phone. This is the right of withdrawal. If you exercise this right, we must refund the product ordered.
Compliance Guarantee:
For new supplies purchased after March 18, 2016, all defects of conformity occurring during the 2 years following the purchase, with the exception of reconditioned goods whose time will be maintained at 6 months, are presumed to exist. This presumption reverses the burden of proof for the benefit of the consumer; it is up to the professional to prove that the defect did not exist.
Guarantee of hidden defects:
When you buy a product, the seller (or the manufacturer) must guarantee you against its hidden defects. The warranty applies provided that the defect is hidden, renders the product unfit for the intended use and exists on the date of acquisition. You have 2 years to act and to benefit from the guarantee, without expenses.